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Report Annual Day

January 4, 2018

PYP- Annual Day Report-2017-18

Suncity School celebrated its twelfth Annual Day- Saturnalia by classes III and IV on the 15 th of December.

The event constituted of the play titled “Beauty of the Beast” and was based on the theme –‘Divergent and Futuristic Thinking’. The theme inspired us to think differently and out-of-the-box.

The show commenced with the welcome speech by the Assistant Junior Head boy AnmolDhingraand presentation of Bamboo shoots and momentoes to the guests, followed by the Lamp Lighting ceremony. A vibrantInvocation dance depicting the Goddess overpowering the evil enthralled the audience. The energetic dance was an amalgamation of Kathakali and Bharatnatyam dance forms.

This was followed by a speech by the Vice Chairperson Mr. AnkitGoel who asked parents to think about positive parenting.

The principal marked the milestones of the school for the year 2017 in her Annual Prologue. She presented the achievements of the students and the school over the year. The students who had brought laurels to the school in the fields of sports and other co-curricular activities were lauded by the school as part of the prize distribution ceremony.

Our respected and esteemed chairperson –Mr. Laxmi Narayan Goel, addressed the audience and asked parents to teach students to respect by showing respect themselves.

The students presented an age old fairy tale with divergent and futuristic changes in the form of – The Beauty of the Beast.Lively dances and powerful oratory added to the script to show how the cursed beast finds alternative and innovative solutions to his problem. He meets a variety of people and finds that the world is a better place because of their selfless acts. He decides that living for others is the best way to be and external appearance is immaterial.The bright and colorful costumes and props added festivity and fervor to the show.The students captivated everybody with their elegant dance steps and their acting skills. Theaudience enjoyed and appreciated the performance of the children.

The show ended with the vote of thanks by the Assistant Junior Head girl, RubaaniBatra and the vibrant GrandFinale .