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Parents’ Walk-in Grade VIII 2023-24

December 19, 2023

“The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create people who are capable of doing new things.”    -Jean Piaget

The students of Grade VIII enthusiastically participated in the much-awaited Parents’ walk-in on Thursday, 7th December 2023. The students showcased their skills, knowledge and Sanskars to their parents.

The students were divided into subject-specific groups. The classes were bedecked with sequins, ribbons and other decorative items that contributed to the theatrical and grandiose elements of the event.

The students not only displayed their tact, eloquence and knowledge but also inculcated the Sustainable Development Goals as well as a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach to studies.

The theatrical presentation started with the English group, which performed an excerpt from ‘The Merchant of Venice’ by William Shakespeare. The excerpt highlighted a wealthy Bachelorette, Portia, whose father had devised a ‘Casket Test’ for her potential suitors to complete to marry her. As different princes tried and failed, the audience was not only entertained but learned a lesson with each failure as famous Shakespearean quotes were brought to life. The play ended with exuberant applause with the marriage of Portia to Bassanio.

‘Uketamo’ the theme of the year, was beautifully reflected in the ‘Thought for the Day’ as well as the Play …

“Embrace today with an open heart to move forward in life.
Irrespective of its offerings of highlights or strifes.”

The next group to present was the Mathematics group. Their presentation was based on 3-dimensional geometry. In a feat of multi-disciplinary excellence, the Math group used the caskets used in the English play to showcase the different formulas and properties of cuboids. A foot-tapping rap song related to volume and area had parents applauding the students.

The Physics group then divulged information to the audience regarding electricity and a scientific instrument that is known as an ‘electroscope’. To explain difficult topics, the students used an electroscope as well as an ebonite rod. The students then demonstrated their self-made electroscope to the parents. They also showed how an electroscope worked by using their model. This approach to ‘hands-on’ learning was greatly appreciated.

Shortly afterward, the Chemistry presentation started with a skit, which was an engaging and holistic way to explain the different properties of metals. The students then performed an experiment involving iron and copper sulphate. This helped explain reactions that take place on a molecular level with ease.

The ICT presentation was next, which showed the effects of AI on agriculture. It was a collaboration with Science. The students explained the concept by utilizing a video game named ‘Minecraft’ which acted as a visual aid.

After this, the Social Science group showcased one of the most complex, nuanced and impactful eras of history, industrialization. This was done through another skit, this one showing the positive and negative impacts of industrialization on both science and society.

The Hindi group followed, with a ‘Nukad Natak’, an Indian street drama style. It focused on the contemporary problems of today, in a way, deeply ingrained in our roots. The group also praised the relevance of Gandhian ideology in the modern world. Their presentation was met with a thunderous applause.

The Life Skills group came next, presenting a chart on adolescence, and the various changes associated with this transitionary period. It also showcased the social and emotional changes of adolescence, not only the physical ones.

The French group then presented a dance on the song ‘Sur ma Route’, translated to ‘On my Way’ in English. This dance was an amalgamation of the subjects of dance and French, once again providing an alternative, holistic approach to learning.

The last group to present was the Spanish group, which performed a fashion show where they walked the class ramp displaying the traditional dresses of Spain. The students’ grasp of the language as well as the rich culture and traditions of Spain.

The parents’ walk-in ended with all the students going for the final bow and wishing the parents goodbye as well as thanking them for their support and time.

After the end of the parent walk-in, the students distributed feedback forms to gauge the overall response to the presentation. With a generous sprinkling of music, dance, theatre and quiz interspersed in all subject areas, the day was full of excitement and joy. The lavish accolades from the parents made the entire project a very fruitful experience. The feedback for the presentation showcased by our young learners was overwhelming.