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Report of Labour Day

May 8, 2019

Gurugram students honour labourers for their daily contributions

Gurugram: Suncity School, sec-54 organised a special assembly and lunch to honour and acknowledge the labour put in by the drivers, conductors, nannies, peons, house keeping, guards and all other employees for their incredible support & contribution to commemorate the occasion of Labours day on 1st May 2019.

Students organized the assembly to explain the importance and origin of this day. The assembly was an ambulation of the students expression of gratitude for their endless efforts to make everyday comfortable and smooth.The students presented this in the form of the interviews they had with the house keeping, security staff , conductors, drivers and all those who worked behind the scenes to help execute the duties well. The enthusiasm of their involvement could be seen at the assembly in the form of the song that the housekeeping sang along with the student choir. The assembly exemplified the true essence of the theme - celebrating dignity of labour.

The students exhibited great exuberance, love and respect for them. This was yet another occasion to instil sanskaars and values in the children.

As a mark of respect, the newly elected students’ council members served lunch to all drivers, conductors, housekeeping staff, security and helpers like every year. The students made ‘Thank You’ cards for them. Each employee was given a card.

The employees were overwhelmed watching the assembly dedicated to them and expressed their gratitude towards the school management and students.

An employee from Suncity School said, “We are deeply moved by this warm gesture towards us. Suncity School has always been generous and kinds towards their staff, so are all the students. The values and morals that students are taught here, it is beyond words to be expressed. I feel lucky to be a part of Suncity family.”

On the occasion, Trisha Chatterjee from Suncity School said, “We have been taught to give importance to our values far above anything else and our true value are shown not when we talk to our peers or authority but in the way we act with those who toil day and night to make our lives more comfortable. The world does not need us nearly as much as it needs people who cook , clean and do all the work that the privileged deem “beneath them”. There is no work more honourable than what they do , and we are lucky that we got to spend our day serving them and showing them our gratitude.”

When asked to comment, a student, Riddhika Kotia of grade VI  gave them the title , “Effective Stress - takers”.

The celebration was truly a tribute to the school staff and the helpers for their consistent efforts to ensure all systems and services are setting highest paradigms of excellence.