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Report on Amritsar Educational Trip

March 13, 2020

34 students of grade XII Liberal Arts ( Class of 2021) accompanied by four subject teachers travelled to Amritsar as part of a learning expedition. The learning objectives of this trip was an amalgamation of various concepts across four disciplines, namely, Political Science, Sociology, History and Mass Media. The journey began on Monday 2nd march 2020 at 3:30 am and reached Amritsar at 13:30 hours. After a quick lunch, the group moved to witness the ceremony at the Wagah-Attari border which underlines the theme of patriotism and nationalism being a performance. The following morning the students got up very early to witness the 'Palki' ceremony at the Golden Temple and also partake in the morning Langar and Seva. Rituals are common to any collective spirit- be it the nation or a religious faith. Students could draw comparison between the performance they witnessed at the border and the ritualistic aspect of a faith. 

The Partition Museum became the ideal setting for learning and understanding this event which tore two communities into two. History and Political Science lessons were completed sitting in the corridors of the museum- and students were able to apply the knowledge gleaned from their tour to the chapter being taught. Question and Answers were also discussed during this lesson which was  for about 2.5 hours duration. The next project on hand was the market survey where students interviewed local shopkeepers to understand if markets are culturally constructed. Following the survey, students got to enjoy sumptuous local cuisine. 

A visit to Sada Pind in the evening proved to be the ideal closure for the visit. Students got to experience the typical life of a village in Punjab. The group returned back home on the 4th of March 2020. Post visit worksheets and reflection sheets will be completed in school on the 11th of March 2020. 

The experience proved to be a wonderful learning experience for all concerned.