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Virtual French Exchange

May 25, 2021

Video Conference
21st May, 2021
Theme: Covid-19 in France and in India
Time: 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Video Conference conducted between students of Lycée Oiselet, France and Suncity School, was the culmination of a month long research wherein both schools presented their findings on various aspects of Covid-19 in the partner school’s country. It was attended by 16 students of the French school, their teachers Madam Eglantine, Madam Béatrice and Mr. Thibaut.

 25 students from Suncity school participated in the exchange from the classes 9th to 11th, including students from CBSE, IGCSE and IB Boards.

Students presented their research on various aspects concerning the pandemic, ranging from the causalities and the different waves to the answer of the Government to the socio-economic problems, the reaction of the general public to the lockdown, and the Vaccination campaign.

The session began with the welcoming of the students and teachers of the guest school, followed by an address by the Director, Mrs Rupa Chakravarty.  She welcomed the guest school and thanked them for their participation in the project. She also expressed the hope the children shall be able to meet in person next year for the exchange.

The Director’s speech was followed by the research presentation of students of Lycée Oiselet, and those of Suncity School. The presentations were interspersed with questions, comments and exchange of information between the two sides, which made it a very interactive session. Both schools also discussed the similarities and the differences between the Covid situation in their own and the partner school’s country. Students responded to questions about how each other coped with lockdown, and how schooling is being carried out. While the Indian students shared that they were in a completely online mode, the French students admitted that they were in a hybrid mode, where online and offline classes were being conducted in alternation. They gave their candid and different reactions to such a model, when interrogated on the same.

Both schools appreciated each other on their efforts, and the depth of the research. They expressed solidarity for the victims in both nations, and expressed a strong desire that the scourge of Covid disappears soon, so that they can meet in person the next year.

The session concluded with Madam Eglantine from Lycée Oiselet sharing her reflexions. She appreciated the research done by the Indian students, and expressed the hope that the students shall continue to remain in touch and keep interacting with each other on a personal level.

Mr. Thibaut also congratulated the Indian students on the remarkable research. The session ended with light-hearted exchanges between the students of both schools, as they opened up and felt more at ease in each other’s company.


History Project

February 2021- May 2021

Theme: History and Civilization of partner country

Students of Lycée Oiselet and Suncity School, benefitted from a research project wherein they gathered information  from websites, books and personal contacts about various aspects of the History and Civilization of the partner school’s country. They worked in a Team of two students each, researching on a chosen topic, such as ‘The history of the Eiffel Tower’, ‘Notre Dame de Paris, ‘The French Revolution’ etc., in case of the Indian students; while the French students chose topics from Indian history including ‘Indian society under British rule’, ‘Gandhi and civil disobedience’, ‘Independence and partition’ etc.

Under this project, which was also integrated with Art, they presented their research creatively and attractively in the form of a brochure or a newspaper. One group presented their research on Napoleon in the form of a website.

This research activity was followed by both sides sharing feedback with their respective correspondents, in the form of a document as well as a podcast.

Thus mutual exchange was facilitated and a lien was established between these students who interacted with each other on several occasions.

It was also noteworthy that while the French students tried to use English as the medium of research presentation, many Indian students presented their research in French, thus providing each other a valuable opportunity to improve their command over English and French language respectively.