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Project report: Visit to Aravalli hills for Ecological survey on 17th November, 2022

November 27, 2022

In keeping with the spirit of experiential learning a guided tour of

Grade XII D biology students was planned, to visit the Aravalli hills to conduct a survey on environmental impact of unprecedented construction and mining in Aravalli hills.

Students conducted on spot sample analysis of the land, area and plant species available.

It was post two years to pandemic the study was conducted. The decrease in human interference in past two years can be clearly seen as, the landscape has become greener and many different varieties of plants were observed this time as compared to previous years. The mining has stopped to greater extent leading to much denser forest and variety of herbs and shrubs native to Aravalli conditions.

Students trekked via the dense forest and collected plants samples, Fungi, Mosses and few insects for studying.