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First Club Activity Report – 28th April, 2023

July 4, 2023

“The arts are an essential element of education just like reading, writing and arithmetic….. music, dance, painting, theater are all the keys that unlock profound human understanding and accomplishment.” William Bennett (former US Secretary of Education)

With this thought in mind, the first club hour activity of the session 2023-24 commenced today. Children could be seen moving enthusiastically for their respective clubs.

Be it Financial Literacy club, where children learnt the rationale behind the logos of companies or the World Scholar Cup, where students were eager to share their experiences regarding the recently held WSC competition held at DPS International School, Gurgaon, children actively participated in the activities. 

On the one hand where In Dramatics club, children thoroughly enjoyed Still Image Improvisation activity, in Innovation students learnt magnetic compass making activity using sewing needles, leaves, water and petri dishes.

Mind games club in charge went one step ahead and made children do the ‘balloon and tooth pick activity’ where the idea was to generate logical thinking, problem solving, analyzing and evaluating a situation which involves mind mapping. And the learning outcome was that at the end of the activity students brainstormed the reasons for only few achieving desired goal at the end of activity and the major reason was partial listening to instruction leading to unfulfilled task.

Our budding ITechs discussed an Algorithm for reaching the library from the Linguistic Lab, so a flowchart was created. In Fine Arts, children were given brief history, description and characteristics of Gond Art and out artists created beautiful patterns using Gond Art.

In the first session of Oratorical club a story was narrated of the students. The students listened with intrigue. They were then asked as to what according to them the message of the story was and what made it interesting. They were then asked what according to them the ingredients of a good speech/story were. The students concluded an anecdote/ a fable/ a story flowed by humour and a punchline add up to an eloquent speech. 

Needless to say, the first club meeting was enjoyed by the students and the teacher in charges.