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Good Touch and Bad Touch

July 8, 2023

In today’s world it is crucial to empower children by imparting them the right knowledge to ensure their safety. One such crucial aspect is the concept of good touch and bad touch.

Grades III to VI students attended a workshop on “Good touch and bad touch”, on the 6th of July. The workshop was conducted by the psychologist Ms Divyangi from My Peegu, in the school auditorium. The primary aim for the workshop was to enable the students to understand the difference between good touch and bad touch. It was an interactive session wherein she explained using examples the difference between the two.

Good touch refers to physical contact that is appropriate, and consensual. Examples of good touch include hugs from loved ones, holding hands, or a pat on the back. It generally promotes positive feeling and does not make one feel uncomfortable.

Whereas a bad touch makes on feel uncomfortable and is potentially harmful. This may include touching of private part or aggressive behaviours. They learn that their bodies are their own and that they have the right to say "no" if someone makes them uncomfortable.

The workshop served to create awareness among the children equipping them to protect themselves. The students were encouraged to communicate with their elders and let them know in case of any such untowardly incident. Such workshops play a pivotal role in promoting awareness and fostering a culture of safety.